Household Items
- Bleach
- Disinfectants
- Fabric Softener
- Tobacco Products
- Lighter Fluid
- Rat and Mouse Poison
- Insect Products
- Potpourri
- Solvents
- Oven Cleaner
- Chocolate
- Onions and Onion Powder
- Coffee
- Grapes
- Garlic
- Alcohol
- Tea Leaves
- Macadamia Nuts
- Raisins
- Salt
- Gum and Candy
- Xylitol, (Sugar Substitute)/Sugar Free Gum
- Avocado
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory
- Acetaminophen
- Cold and Flu Medications
- Diet Pills
- Vitamins
- Anti-Cancer Drugs
- Antidepressants
- Small Balls
- Batteries
- Bread Ties
- Buttons
- Coins
- Cotton Swabs
- Hair Pins
- Jewelry
- Rubber Bands
- Plastic Wrap
- String, Yarn, Dental Floss
- Fishing Line and Hooks
- Needle and Thread
- Paper Clips
- Nylons
- Children’s Toys
- Electronic Cords
- Flowers and Plants
- Fake Grass
- Fireworks
- Candles
- Candy
- Bones
- Hot Containers
- Ribbons
- Decorative Lights
- Christmas Tree Water
- Decoration Hooks
- Styrofoam
- Ornaments
- Tinsel
- Balloons
- Confetti
- Loud Noise
- Constant opening and closing doors
- Please refer to ASPCA Toxic Plant List