Disaster Guidelines Image

Disaster Guidelines

Louisville has been the recipient of disasters resulting from floods, tornados, fires, and severe storms. What would you do if you had to leave your home and take shelter for several days? What would happen to your pet? You need to start preparing NOW so your pets will not suffer in the event of an area-wide disaster. 


How to Be Prepared in Case of a Disaster

Essentials to have ready before a disaster:

  1. Sufficient food to last 7 days (canned or dry sealed bags). Plan to rotate to ensure freshness.
  2. Water for seven days. For dogs, this is one gallon per day for a 40# dog and one quart per day per cat.
  3. A document with your name, address, phone, your vet’s name, address, your pet’s picture, and your instructions to a possible rescue person. Identify friends, relatives, kennels, or veterinary clinics where your pet can stay in the event of a disaster.
  4. A document listing your pet’s medical history and medication that your pet needs. Mark on your calendar the expiration date so you can make sure medications are fresh. 
  5. Leashes for both your dogs and cats. Carriers for small dogs and cats in an easily accessible area.
  6. ID tags on all your pets attached to a collar. It should have your name, address, phone number, your pet’s name, and an OUT OF STATE PHONE NUMBER(of a friend or relative that can be contacted in a time of disaster). If your pet is on daily medication, this should also be on the identification tag. Microchip numbers and the phone number of the national registry should be listed.
  7. Keep vaccinations current and keep a copy of vaccine dates in your disaster kit.
  8. Plastic bags and scoopers to pick up and store pet waste.
  9. Extra collars, leashes, and heavy food bowls.
  10. Minimal first aid supplies: gauze rolls for bandaging and making muzzles, towels, blankets, manual can opener.

Emergency numbers in the event of an actual disaster include:

American Red Cross-Louisville (502)741-3994  www.louisville-redcross.org

Emergency Animal Rescue Service (EARS) 1-800-440-EARS www.uan.org


National Animal Poison Control Center 1-800-548-2423