Easy At-Home D.I.Y Cat Toys

Cat toys are easy to D.I.Y with just a few in-home items. Grab these few items to make some fun toys for your sweet cat that will keep them occupied!

Cat-Nip Sock

From: https://www.curbly.com/diy-cat-toys


  • Knee-length socks
  • Catnip
  • Fiberfill 
  • Scissors
  • Faux leather lace or other cord
  • E6000 or other clear strong glue


  1. Cut the foot off the sock
  2. Tightly tie off one end of the sock with a double knot. For extra security, you can add a small dab of E6000 to the underside of the knot. 
  3. Stuff the sock with fiberfill and catnip. Be generous with the cat-nip as you want your cat to smell it.
  4. To finish the homemade catnip sock, tie off the end as before, and add a dab of glue under the knot

Cat Wand

From: https://irresistiblepets.net/diy-cat-wand


  • 1 Wooden dowel
  • 3 Jingle Bells
  • Fabric Glue
  • Scissors
  • 1 Roll of Twine
  • Different fabric scraps (shoelaces, yarn, ribbon, etc.)


  1. Wrap the plain wooden dowel with twine.
  2.  Leave around 10-12 inches of twine so that you can tie your fabric scraps to the end.
  3. Use a small amount of fabric glue to secure the twine to the dowel to ensure it doesn’t unravel.
  4. Take all your fabric scraps and tie them to the end of the Baker’s Twine.
  5. Select three different scraps of fabric and tie them to the jingle bells.

Catnip Yarn Balls

From: https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/yarn-ball-catnip


  • Catnip
  • Styrofoam balls
  • Hot glue gun
  • Mod podge glue
  • Yarn


  1. Cover the balls with catnip using mod podge.
  2. Next, take your yarn and use the hot glue gun to wrap it around the catnip and styrofoam ball.

Ultimate Kitty Puzzle/Pinball

From: https://www.care.com/c/diy-cat-toys/


  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Medium size box
  • Egg cartoons
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Balls


  1. Place these items in a pinball style giving your kitty the ability to play with everything at once.

Peek-a-boo Puzzle

From: https://www.peta.org/living/animal-companions/diy-cat-toys-hacks/


  • Box
  • Two Small Balls


  1. Take a box and make holes big enough for the balls to fit through but not fall out. This will allow your cat to keep busy while trying to get ahold of the balls.

These toys are easy and fun to make. Your kitty will enjoy these toys as well.

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