February is National Pet Dental Month

February is National Pet Dental Health Month this month is used to draw awareness to the importance of cleaning your pets teeth. Dental problems start around the age of 3 if teeth are not properly cleaned. Here are a few tips to help keep your pets teeth clean and healthy.

  1. Daily Brushing: This is the most important step to keeping your pets teeth healthy and clean. If you can not brush your pets teeth daily, developing some type of routine will help tremendously. Its important to never use human tooth paste on your pet. There is tooth paste you can pick up from your veterinary or local pet store.
  2. Dental Chews/Treats: When buying dental chews make sure the ingredients are similar to food this can prevent upset stomach. Dental chews has ingredients that will help get rid of plaque and tartar.
  3. Chew Toys: Chew toys are great for helping keep plaque and tartar off. There are chew toys designed to help keep your pet’s mouth clean. It’s a natural way to help clean their teeth.
  4. Dental Spray: There is spray that will help your dog with bad breath. These sprays can also remove and prevent tartar and plaque build-up.
  5. Visits with Veterinarian: It’s important to make sure that your pets vet is looking at his/hers teeth. Veterinarians can spot plaque and tartar better than you can. Also the vet may recommend a dental cleaning if needed.

Animals with clean teeth live longer lives!

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