Five Tips to Keep Pet Safe During Halloween

  1. Keep candy away from pets! All candy can be toxic to animals especially chocolate. So, during this time keeping the treats away will keep them safe from the toxins candy can provide. Candies containing the sugar substitute xylitol are also toxic to pets.
  2. Keep pets in safe places during Halloween specifically trick or treat. If your pet is known to get out when someone opens the door, its important to keep your pet in a secure place during trick or treat. Make sure that your pet has great identification on it in case your pet does escape during Halloween.
  3. Decorations are easy for pets to get into. Making sure that they are not reachable to chew on or ingest. Keep wires and lit items away from their reach.
  4. If your pet will be wearing a costume make sure that you are supervising your pet. If your pet is a known chewer don’t allow them to be alone or have costumes with pieces that dangle and are easy to get into.
  5. Keep your pet calm. Many visitors will be ringing your door bell and opening the door back and forth make sure that your dog is comfortable as anxiety and stress tends to rise during this time.

Halloween is a fun holiday but its important to make sure that your pet stays safe this year.

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