Pet First Aid Kit
In the event of an emergency or minor injury, it is a good idea to keep a first aid kit handy in your home. Your first-aid kit should be easily accessible as well as transportable. Ideally, you should keep your kit in a closed container to keep your contents clean and dry. The box or case should be durable and water resistant. A tackle box, for example. Do not lock the box in order to keep its contents at easy access. Clearly label the container “PET FIRST-AID”.

What Should Be On Your First-Aid Kit?
Suggested Items For Your First-Aid Kit:
- 2 rolls of 3” gauze bandage
- 3” X 3” gauze sponges
- Nonstick adhesive tape
- Nonstick bandages
- Antibiotic ointment (e.g. Neosporin, Animax)
- Water soluble lubricating jelly (e.g. K-Y Brand)- to take temperatures and to keep debris out of open wounds
- Sterile saline solution (e.g. those used for contact lenses) – to flush eyes/wounds – DO NOT use Visine, Murine, etc.
- Hydrogen peroxide – to induce vomiting or clean scrapes (Do not use on puncture wounds.)
- Tweezers
- Nail trimmers and styptic powder (to stop the bleeding if the nail is trimmed too short).
- Rectal thermometer (dogs’/cats’ normal temperature is 101 – 102.5 degrees)
- Muzzle – the nylon muzzles preferably
- Benadryl or diphenhydramine elixir (12.5 mg/ml liquid – caution: most are 12.5 mg/tsp). 25 mg capsules can be used instead. Dosage = 1 mg/pound. (Not recommended for pets with a history of seizures.)
- Paper towels – to clean up messes
- Several large plastic bags – to protect your vehicle’s upholstery/house furnishings from blood, urine, feces.
Additional Items
- Clean towels – to restrain your pet
- Blanket – to keep your pet comfortable as well as warm in the event of shock
- Hot water bottle (a 2-liter bottle filled with warm water can substitute) or a rice-filled stocking (wrap in a towel or slip into a thick sock after warming)
- Pet carrier – to transport small pets
- A plywood board the appropriate size for both your pet and vehicle – to use in transporting large pets to your veterinarian, especially when a back injury is involved.