Senior Cat Tips

Cats are generally low maintenance pets, but as they get older there are more things to think about to help them live their best life.

When is a cat considered senior? 

Cats age 11-14 are considered senior. At age 14+, a cat is considered geriatric and is equivalent to a human 76-100 years old! 

Why do older cats need special care?

Age is not a disease, but many changes happen as cats age, and these changes can result in different diseases or disabilities. 

Some of those include: 

-decreased immune function

-impaired vision and hearing

-decreased blood circulation

-thyroid, dental, and kidney diseases

What can I do to help my cat have the best quality of life? 

Cats are extremely adept at hiding illnesses so observation is key, along with regular wellness checks. We strongly encourage blood work for senior cats as well, just to be sure they aren’t hiding any pain we could help alleviate. The earlier a problem is identified, the more successful treatment is likely to be. 

More litter boxes

Provide more litter boxes to reduce the risk of accidents. Add them near your cat’s favorite eating and sleeping spots. In addition to having less control over their bladder, cats sometimes urinate in “inappropriate” places when they’re stressed or trying to tell you something. Sometimes an additional litter box can help alleviate the stress, but sometimes they could be trying to tell you they’re in pain.

Brush Your Cat Daily 

Brushing can help your cat with grooming hard to reach areas, stimulate blood circulation, and increase skin health. Because brushing a cat typically relaxes them it will also help increase their quality of life. As cat’s age the little things that help make their days better become all the more important!

Regular Vet Visits

Increased wellness visits as well as yearly urine, fecal, and blood work allows for earlier detection and more effective management and treatment. 

Care for Your Cat’s Teeth 

Start a regular brushing routine that’s as often as you can keep up with whether that means every week or every day. Introduce the toothbrush and toothpaste slowly and be sure to use pet specific products! Fluoride toothpaste is toxic to dogs and cats! It can take several weeks for your cat to get comfortable with it, but keep it up! Dental health has affects the whole body. 

You Can Make a Difference in Your Cat’s Life

The effects of aging aren’t just something to accept like we have no control. The care you give your cat does make a difference, can increase their lifespan and quality of life! What little things can you do to brighten your senior cat’s day?!

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