Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy During the Fall Season

Fall has approached and as the season changes their are different things to take caution of for the safety of your pet. Here are a few tips to keep your pet safe during the fall season.

  1. Beware of Decorations: During the fall décor is every where. Decorations tend to include electrical cords, small items, strings and other objects pets shouldn’t get into. Keep these things out of your pet’s reach at all times.
  2. Watch Out for Fungus(Mushrooms): Fungus grows a lot during the fall season not only in woodsy areas but in your own back yard as well. Fungus includes mushrooms which are toxic to pets.
  3. Beware of Rat Poison and Other Rodenticides: When it gets cold different rodents tend to come inside which means many people may put poison around their homes to keep them out.
  4. Watch Pets Around Food: This is a big tip to make sure that you keep your pet safe. Of course, the fall consist of holidays which means food. Watch for your pets around food items as different food pets can not eat.
  5. Stay Up To Date with Preventive Care: Fleas and ticks are active all year round, please keep your pet healthy by staying on top of their preventives.

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