24 Hour Pet Visitation

Pet Visitation 24 hours

Here at Jefferson Animal Hospital & Regional Emergency Center, we know that this is a difficult time. Having your pet away from home is difficult enough…Having them here in our hospital can be very stressful. We want your pet to have the best possible treatment and care.


Visiting Your Hospitalized Pet

We encourage visitation in most instances because a visit from family can raise your pet’s spirits and give them the incentive they need to get better fast! We do have established visiting hours which are:

10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
9 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.

Visiting Hours are by Appointment

We ask that you make an appointment to visit your pet so that the doctor can arrange for a time to speak with you about your pet’s progress. There may be times when we are particularly busy with emergencies, or when we have a heavy caseload. We will advise you if there will be a wait to see your pet. You are welcome to bring family members to visit as well. If there is a large party of visitors, we may ask that you visit in groups because of limited space.