End of Life Care for Pets

End of Life Care

As a 24 hour practice for over 35 years, we see many difficult cases that require euthanasia as the best option for a pet who is suffering. We are very aware of the pain that the entire family experiences during this time. It is our job to help you deal with this grief and sadness so that you will mourn and remember your friend with as little pain as possible. Our practice philosophy acknowledges that humane euthanasia is a service that is to be provided to end suffering or poor quality of life, and it must be done in the most gentle and compassionate way possible. 


Our hospital policy is to only perform euthanasia on pets for medical reasons. We will not euthanize healthy pets or for behavioral reasons. We do ask that you call to make an appointment and we will make every effort to have you in an exam room out of the reception area as soon as possible. We will ask you if you wish to be present, and if so we will place an IV catheter in your pet’s vein.

We do need your permission for euthanasia of your pet and we will ask you to sign as authorization. This form includes a required signature acknowledging that your pet has not bitten anyone in the last 10 days. We will discuss several options of care of your pet’s body. Cremation, either private or group, is the most common request. Cremation and return of your pet’s cremains in a special container is also a common request by clients. If you have your own container that you wish to use, we will be glad to help you with those requests.

  • Faithful Companions  812-283-7387
  • Ohio Valley Pet Cemetery  812-282-3947
  • Borden Pet Cemetery and Mortuary Services 502-451-1480


When your pet dies: How to cope with your feelings by Jamie Quackenbush, M.S.W. and Denine Graveline

Coping with the loss of a pet by Christina Lemieux and Wallace Clark

A Final Act of Caring by Mary and Herb Montgomery

Goodbye My Friend by Mary and Herb Montgomery


When a Pet Dies by Fred Rogers

A Special Place for Charlee by Debby Morehead Ages 7-12

The Tenth Good Thing about Barney by Judith Viorst