Complete veterinary laboratory testing

Complete Lab Testing on site

Jefferson Animal Hospitals has very advanced capabilities in our in-hospital laboratory that allows us to evaluate your pet’s health using blood and fecal samples.


Laboratory Testing Services:

Jefferson Animal Hospitals has very advanced capabilities in our lab that allows us to evaluate your pet’s health using simple blood and fecal samples. We can perform on site:

  • Full blood panels (CBC, Chemistries, Electrolytes)
  • Coagulation Profiles
  • Urinalysis
  • Parvo Tests
  • Feline Leukemia/Feline Immunodeficiency Tests
  • Tick Disease Screenings (Lyme, Ehrlichia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)
  • Fecal testing for intestinal parasites
  • Routine Heartworm Testing
  • Microscope evaluations of stools samples, skin scrapes, ear slides or blood smears

We utilize a local reference laboratory services for blood tests that are more complicated.   For example, if your pet has a history of seizures, phenobarbital levels would be completed by our reference lab.  Samples of tumors or other surgical specimens are sent to a reference lab for Histopathology by a trained Pathologist.

All surgeries require a complete CBC and chemistry panel prior to surgery.    Pets presenting for illness such as vomiting or diarrhea can have results from complete blood profiles within 30 minutes for immediate diagnosis and treatment.

Please ask if you have any questions about the capabilities of Jefferson Animal Hospitals to perform important lab tests for your pet.