Welcome to Our Blog
Jefferson Animal Hospital 24Hr. Emergency & Wellness Center is happy to present a blog with important information to keep your pets happy and healthy for years to come!
Why is Feline Dental Care Important?
Good dental care must start now because your pet needs to get used to having his mouth and teeth handled. Home care can help to
First-Aid Kit for Pets
Suggested Items For Your Kitten’s First-Aid Kit: 2 rolls of 3” gauze bandage 3” X 3” gauze sponges Nonstick adhesive tape Nonstick bandages Antibiotic ointment
Information on Fleas and Heartworm Prevention
Fleas – How To Keep Them Away Fleas are a parasite that feed on blood from dogs, cats, and even humans at times! Adult fleas
New Puppy Checklist
Jefferson Animal Hospital has provided you with a checklist of things you will need when getting your new puppy! Crate Helps with potty training Gives
Obedience and Behavior Training
Obedience and Behavior Training Training is a very important factor to having a well mannered healthy pet. With proper training, you and your pet will
Fleas, Heartworm and your Puppy
Fleas are a parasite that feed on blood from dogs, cats, and even humans at times! Adult fleas living and feeding on your pet make
Puppy Vaccinations
Distemper: Distemper is a widespread, highly contagious virus that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, respiratory infections and seizures. It is about 90% fatal and survivors
Teaching Your Dog to Tolerate Nail Trimming
By now you have discovered how sharp dog toenails can be! Those little nails will need to be trimmed frequently over the lifetime of your
Puppy First-Aid Kit
Suggested Items For Your Puppy’s First-Aid Kit: 2 rolls of 3” gauze bandage 3” X 3” gauze sponges Nonstick adhesive tape Nonstick bandages Antibiotic ointment
Common Pet Toxins
Household Items Bleach Disinfectants Fabric Softener Tobacco Products Lighter Fluid Rat and Mouse Poison Insect Products Potpourri Solvents Oven Cleaner Foods Chocolate Onions and Onion
Welcoming Your New Cat Home
by Tabitha Mead Cats are a great addition to the family. Whether it’s your first or fourth cat, there’s always more to learn. Cats are
Dog Park Etiquette
Dog parks have taken off and grown exponentially in popularity in the US, including here in Louisville, Kentucky. What has been the cause of this?
Summer Tips for Dogs
Summer is a time almost all of us look forward to. There are more people at the dog parks, restaurants open up dog-friendly patio areas,