Pet Owner Resources
A large part of the Mission Statement of JEFFERSON ANIMAL HOSPITALS is to help you, the pet owner, become more knowledgeable about your healthy pet, your injured pet or your sick pet. The following tabs have a treasure trove of articles and informational material to help you be a better pet parent.

Festive Plants That Could Poison Your Pets
Please keep these festive plants out of your dog’s reach. If your dog has ingest please get in touch with your local veterinarian. Photo from: Unsplash Laura Beth Snipes
Common Items That Are Toxic To Pets
March is Pet Poison Awareness Month. Here are a few common things that can be poisonous to your pet. Links provided: https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/top-10-dog-poisons
Winter Dog Tips
The first day of Winter is December 21st. Here is a reminder to continue to practice these safe habits with your dog during this winter season. We want to ensure that your pet stays safe this winter. If you are in an emergency please call Jefferson Animal Hospital Regional Emergency
Pet Care Registration Forms
To help ease the registration process for you, we have made our registration forms available online. Please fill it out prior to your arrival. Thank you and we look forward to serving you!
Articles and Information
Emergency Care
Poison Control and Information