Common Flowers that are Toxic to Pets

Spring is here, with that flowers are starting to bloom and being planted in yards, parks, placed in homes, and many more areas. The scent of flowers can make pets interested in what they are. By flowers being at canines and felines eye level it makes them easy for your curious pet to get into. There are good flowers, but also a few your pet should stay away from. Here are a list of toxic flowers to make sure your pet keeps from this spring.

Toxic flowers for Canines

  1. Lilies (All Varieties)
  2. Tulips
  3. Oleander
  4. Azaleas
  5. Hyacinth
  6. Daffodil
  7. Baby’s Breath – found in most bouquet arrangements

Toxic flowers for Felines

  1. Lilies (All Varieties)
  2. Tulips
  3. Azaleas
  4. Hyacinth
  5. Oleander
  6. Daffodil

Although these plants are beautiful they can be harmful to your pet. Each of these flowers causes different side affects. Most common signs to look for if you believe your pet has ingested one of these flowers are vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, and drooling. If you notice any of these symptoms please call your veterinarian immediately.

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