Welcome to Our Blog
Jefferson Animal Hospital 24Hr. Emergency & Wellness Center is happy to present a blog with important information to keep your pets happy and healthy for years to come!
5 Ways to Pay for Pet Medical Expenses
We won’t lie about it. Veterinary expenses can be expensive, but it’s for good reason. Just as in human medicine, a huge team is involved
Senior Cat Tips
Cats are generally low maintenance pets, but as they get older there are more things to think about to help them live their best life.
Puppy House Training Tips
So you’re gave in to those sweet, adorable puppy eyes! Puppies can be irresistibly cute, but also infuriatingly stubborn…in other words; high highs and low
Pumpkin Dog Treats
Fall is here and we’re embracing it at JAH. You’ve got your beloved PSL, you’ve got your pumpkin patches, your fall scented candles, your sweaters,
When is it Time to Say Goodbye: End of Life Pet Care
The bond between humans and pets is a special thing. It’s different from the way we feel connected to family and friends, but the connection
The Lowdown On Pet Behavior with Brittany Thomas
Brittany Thomas is the owner and founder of Companion Pet Behavior Solutions, a full-time facility in Louisville, KY that specializes in feline and canine disorders
Is My Pet having an Emergency?
Identifying whether your pet needs emergency care can be a stressful and scary call. There are times when clients come in to our hospital in
What is Pet Insurance All About?
with PetFirst Pet Insurance Health insurance, car insurance, homeowner’s insurance, travel insurance… but what about pet insurance? If you have a pet but don’t have
Why Your Pet Needs I.D.
No one anticipates losing their pet, but you should always be prepared in case it does happen. Having a fenced in backyard is not reason
3 Reasons to Try Doggy Daycare & How to Get Started
Doggy daycare is becoming more popular as owners prefer an option other than leaving their dogs home alone. After all, we take our children to
Dog Friendly Lou
by Danielle Henson Both humans and dogs are social beings who thrive in environments with lots of interaction. At home, these interactions between us and
10 Things your ER Veterinarian doesn’t want you to do
by Julee Culbreth Working in an Emergency Animal Hospital can be difficult. There are so many people who bring us their ill and injured pets
3 Ingredient DIY Cat Treats
by Tabitha Mead Being the good cat-parent that you are, you might like to be able to spice up your cat’s life and offer them
National Immunization Awareness Month
by Danielle Henson August is National Immunization Awareness Month. The goal of this month is to boost awareness of immunization for humans and pets alike!
Feline Vaccinations
Distemper. Distemper is very contagious and widespread in cats. It causes severe vomiting and diarrhea that is often fatal, especially in kittens. Rhinotracheitis. Rhinotracheitis is a virus
Feline Nutrition
There are two diseases in cats that are directly related to feeding improper diets: heart failure from taurine deficiency and feline urologic syndrome (FUS) or
Litterbox Training for Kittens
Litterbox training your new kitten is really quite simple. Most kittens will start using the litterbox immediately. Start out by obtaining a good commercial litterbox
Intestinal Parasites (Worms)
How To Keep Our Kittens and Ourselves Safe Roundworms are very long, spaghetti-like worms. Puppies and kittens contract roundworms in utero or from nursing. They
New Kitten Checklist
Jefferson Animal Hospital has provided you with a checklist of things you will need when getting your new kitten! Litter Box Have 1 for every
Feline Leukemia
Q. What is Feline Leukemia? A. Leukemia is a highly fatal blood cell cancer that is contagious between cats. It is a leading cause of