Welcome to Our Blog

Jefferson Animal Hospital 24Hr. Emergency & Wellness Center is happy to present a blog with important information to keep your pets happy and healthy for years to come!

Summer Safety Tips for Your Pet

As summer approaches, many can’t wait to break out the flip-flops and bask in the sun. This also means lots of pets will be tagging

Give the Gift Of Life

If you’re looking to make a difference this holiday season, then look no further than our volunteer pet blood bank, where your pet can become

Diabetes Mellitus in Pets

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, but what many people do not realize is that diabetes doesn’t just affect people – it affects animals too.

4 Tips for Heat Awareness Day

Today is heat awareness day! (May 25th) Many of our dogs spend more time outside than we do, so it can be easy to think that

Covid-19 Q&A with a Veterinarian

One of the staff Veterinarians at Jefferson Animal Hospital Fern Creek sat down to answer some questions about what it’s been like to navigate the

Your Pet and Covid-19

Spending more time at home amid the fears and crazy changes that Covid-19 has caused? If so, there are some things to consider in regards

3 Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Importance of Spay & Neuter February is not only Responsible Pet Owners Month &  Dental Health Month, it’s also Spay and Neuter Awareness Month! While

Pet Dental Health Month

February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Most practices use this as a time to talk more about dental cleanings and healthy teeth in general.

Dog Training Tips

January is national “Train Your Dog Month” so we wanted to offer some dog training tips to share with you and help you get inspired

Life with a Diabetic Dog

This is not a sad story. You’ve never met my dog Edie, but here are some things to know about her. She is a Yorkie/